
Fees are charged monthly by direct debit through the GoCardless scheme. Once you have registered we will help you to set this up.

Monthly subscription prices are:

– £10 per month for one 30 minute class per week

– £15 per month for one 45 minute class per week

– £18 per month for one 60 minute class per week

For multiple classes/siblings durations are added together. Classes run 38 weeks of the year (in line with school terms) and fees are split across 12 monthly payments to spread the cost throughout the year. For cancellation or adjustment of subscription you just need to notify us 14 days in advance of the start of the next month.

Trial period for new students

We no longer offer free trials. If you are thinking of joining a class and you haven’t been to us before, we would like to offer a trial period instead.

We feel this provides a better experience for the new student as they get have a period of time to get to know their teachers and fellow students, a better idea of the class content and the routine of attending regularly.

For a trial period you can make one month payment of your fee for your chosen class (£10, £15 or £18) and not sign up to the GoCardless scheme. If at the end of the trial period your child would like to continue you can sign up and order uniform, or simply let us know you don’t wish to continue.

New trial starters are invited to come along at the start of a new month, so if you contact us mid or near the end of the month we will offer you a start date.

If you’d like to book a trial period,